Talking about the latest shooting tragedy in Santa Barbara with Living Your Inspired Life host, Susan Burrell. I’ve learned from others I interviewed that rarely is forgiveness immediate. We need to grieve and anger and frustration often come along with...
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Jackson Hole News & Guide – Crook, Cop He Shot Are Now Friends
“In the three decades after Jackson Hole resident Mark Farnham shot state trooper Stephen Watt five times the two have become fast friends. Now their story is making it to television. Farnham was living in Jackson in 1982 when, motivated...
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Science of the Mind Coverage – Crossing the Chasm: Radical Forgiveness in Action
“When we go beyond ideas of right and wrong, as Rumi says, we enter a “field.” That field is oneness. Its seeds of peace, renewal, and love find fertile ground in our souls. To forgive is to allow these seeds...
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Huffington Post Coverage – The Other F Word

Unlikely Friends director, Leslie Neale, write a blog on forgiveness in the Huffington Post: “No, not that F word! I’m talking about forgiveness — letting go, turning the other cheek. That thing our predominantly Judeo/Christian society teaches us to do...
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An Editor Reflects: Paul Westmacott
I have often wondered where my film career would take me. So many times, I feel that the project picks me rather than me picking the project. It’s sometimes a vulnerable feeling, as an editor, to think that one is...
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