“In the three decades after Jackson Hole resident Mark Farnham shot state trooper Stephen Watt five times the two have become fast friends. Now their story is making it to television. Farnham was living in Jackson in 1982 when, motivated by deep debt, he decided to rob a bank in...
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Category Archives: Press
Science of the Mind Coverage – Crossing the Chasm: Radical Forgiveness in Action
“When we go beyond ideas of right and wrong, as Rumi says, we enter a “field.” That field is oneness. Its seeds of peace, renewal, and love find fertile ground in our souls. To forgive is to allow these seeds to grow. Unlikely Friends, a documentary film by acclaimed director...
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Huffington Post Coverage – The Other F Word

Unlikely Friends director, Leslie Neale, write a blog on forgiveness in the Huffington Post: “No, not that F word! I’m talking about forgiveness — letting go, turning the other cheek. That thing our predominantly Judeo/Christian society teaches us to do but rarely means for us to practice, especially when we...
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Shift Network Features Unlikely Friends

“I think it was selfishness that brought me to make films about criminal justice reform. I was eight months pregnant when I witnessed a program of transformational healing for inmates at a Louisiana State Penitentiary. While sitting in a circle with hardened criminals, I immediately realized that the “monsters” I...
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Summer of Peace Interview
This interview is part of the Summer of Peace Summit a free global telesummit featuring interviews of many of the world’s leading peace builders! The Summer of Peace is a call to action – inviting us all and providing specific actions and steps we can take to create both inner...
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